Comprehensive Restoration Management Plans & Consultations to better understand your land:
Whether you want to welcome more wildlife or you want the aesthetics of more plant diversity, a land management plan helps you achieve in a comprehensive way. Long term land management plans are helpful to have, whether you do it yourself or having someone help you. Natural areas usually harbor many different ecosystems, wildlife and other important dynamics that you should consider when deciding what management to do next. Native Niche LLC uses botanical surveys of the site, historical information, site observations and our expertise to write you a plan. Starting with a 5-year or 10-year plan is a good start for moving your restoration efforts in the right direction, whether we do the work or not.
Forest and Prairie Construction, Preservation and Management:
Prairie plantings, forest plantings of trees and shrubs and diversifying fallow fields
Native Niche LLC provides services to plant meadows or prairies. This includes estimates for your site, species lists and descriptions, preparing the site, planting the site and management of planted prairie for a successful outcome.
Native Niche LLC also provides services to manage open land without starting from scratch. This starts with making a species list of plants already growing there, decide which ones need to be managed or eliminated and integrating more species within the meadow for a more diverse land mass.
Invasive Species Management:
Removing aggressive native and non-native plants to make your garden/property more diverse and esthetically pleasing.
The removal of invasive plants in any location must always have a plan for future management. Native Niche LLC provides this information to make the effort of restoring your land long-term and sustainable.
Native Niche LLC workers chose the best management strategy for the situation. Using plant phenology, type of habitat and time of year.
There are many non-herbicide ways of controlling weeds. Native Niche LLC has worked with these techniques and have found successful results. In many situations, we only use organic, mechanical methods.
Native Niche LLC is insured and experienced to perform prairie burns. This is a great tool for managing and restoring prairies.
Native Plant Restoration:
Anytime you are removing aggressive plants, you usually are removing a lot of something. This is a great opportunity to integrate more species to your landscape.
Wet areas, dry areas, shaded areas, sunny areas, there are so many native plants for any situation!
Consultations include; site appropriate plant list, timeline and a long-term plan to better understand your land.
Prescribed Fire for Forests and Prairies:
Coming Soon!
Comprehensive Vegetation Surveys:
Coming Soon!
Wildlife Biological Services:
Amphibian and reptile
Insects (Bees and butterflies)
Lichen and fungus
Scientific & Comprehensive surveys available
NEW 2022 Featuring – Bird Feeder Gardens:
These “Bird Feeder Gardens” are custom size gardens meant to provide the best habitat for birds and insects all year round. The plantings include specific species of native wildflowers and grasses The flowers provide nectar for insects and food for butterflies and shelter for birds during the growing season. While in the winter, you should leave dead flower stalks standing. This will provide food and shelter for birds and insects all winter long. Millions of seeds from your plants will feed the hungry birds and also give shelter while they are in-route or year round residents.
Proud member of these non-profit organizations:
Wisconsin Fire Council
The Prairie Enthusiasts
Friends Of The Kettle Moraine - Northern Unit
Friends Of The Cedarburg Bog State Natural Area
Wisconsin Wetland Association
Aldo Leopold Foundation